Lily Hyde?

Some answers are here

And some more writings in:

The Guardian, Politico, Foreign Policy, New Eastern Europe, Roads&Kingdoms


2 Responses to “Who is”

  1. 1 Kari Taylor April 30, 2010 at 10:51 pm

    I am thoroughly enjoying your blog. I particularly enjoyed the post “Gone but note forgotten part II”. The words connect with me on a level I can’t quite describe. (If that makes any sense at all.)

    On the risk of making a fool out of myself… Are you the same Lily Hyde who has written articles on Human trafficking and Ukraine? (I only ask due to the geographic overlap.) I am complying a report on Human Trafficking and would love to include her (your) article, I just need to be sure of the articles credibility.

    I appreciate your response, and apologize for the potential mistake on my end. Thank you for allowing me into your world. It has been and will continue to be an enlightening experience.


  2. 2 rambutanchik May 1, 2010 at 11:50 am

    Hi Kari, thanks – very glad you’re enjoying it. Yes, I am that same Lily Hyde. What’s your report? If you want to contact me by e-mail about it, you can do so via the contact page of my site – please do


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